Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kinesthetic Practices

Do societies remember through cultural practices with their bodies and in todays society is this lack of kinesthetic practice destroying our culture?  Often cultures have had customs and rituals that have been passed down from generation to generation many of them involving religious ceremonies or rites of passage within a given cultural group.  Dancing has been for a long time a very culturally diverse practice and often very traditional styles of dance represent what those cultures stood for or are remembered for.  These practices have given cultures a form of identity in addition have passed along customs and traditions for years. 
Memories were internalized people were there memories, with technology growing and changing the landscape of peoples lives where does this leave our memories.  Do we now become our Facebook page, our twitter account, are these social networking web sites the new practices that will define our cultural to the next generation.  This is a scary thought. The internet is becoming an extension of ourselves more so than any other media format.  The internet allows for an interaction that was not possible with other media formats in addition to encompassing them.  Videos, pictures, music, are included in the various ways of self expression on the Internet and with no real kinesthetic practices.  

here are some videos of dance that represent different cultures that I personally enjoy: 

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