In todays age we are now becoming more "global" in all aspects of our lives including economics, media consumption, communication, and much more. The world is literally at our fingertips in a multitude of ways and in turn we are impacted by the world around us. New technology is increasing this availability at a rapid pace. These globalizations from a Neo liberal position would suggest the idea that a free flow of information an communication is good for all and packaged as a commercial product. This may be the case in the real world to a large extent products especially media products ship across borders easier then ever. Apple's itunes makes music available at a click of the mouse, music that may otherwise not traveled across borders very easily. However another view point and one that adds to the complexity is that there are multiple types of globalizations, and this comes in various ways not just as goods packaged as commercial products. Globalization is often referred to in economic terms however it encompasses a much larger definition.
It was suggested to think about communication as a unique commodity; one of our consciousness. When I think about consciousness as a commodity it makes me want to probe further into media products, shared ideas, and try to determine what are they communicating to the world while at the same time what is the world communicating to me. How much of this consciousness is created by commercial products? and how much do I shape the products by choosing to consume one product over the other? These are questions that I am not sure have a clearly defined answer. One thing is certain: as the world appears to be more and more intertwined these questions will only get harder and harder to answer with any certainty. Increasingly I wonder how much of my consciousness is created by products. The sophistication of these new products such as the ipod or ipad can push products with ease. What influence does this have on my ability to communicate with the rest of the world or my entire view of the world in general. The ipod may be the beginning of media having a large influence in day to day communication.

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