Thursday, March 11, 2010

Transnational Model

The concept of media being a conglomerate of multiple nations owning the production that takes place in one nation.  The hybrid identities on these conglomerate media giants changes the debate of cultural hybridity versus cultural imperialism.  The US is often seen as a large media producer that forces its media onto the rest of the world.  This does portray an accurate picture of the complex media landscape.  
Thinking about communication and media in transnationally encompasses both sides, these conglomerates are highly efficient business capable of marketing media in very specific ways but at the same time the viewer has an active participation and personal interpretation of the various media.  Whenever media conglomerates are discussed Disney immediately comes to mind.  Disney is very effective in producing media that is consumed world wide and has very specific control on the type of media it creates for consumers.  The influence of media is largely debated but the products created are created in a particular way.  These media products communicate particular values, ideas, to the world and to some degree can represent what many people internationally think of the US.  
Discovered this video on youtube thought it was a funny way of looking at the debate of how much media influences people 

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